GoGo LO App

GoGo LO App Cover

About the project

GoGo LO is an app that helps Loan Officers on the go. It helps organize and keep their documents in order. This helps loan officers close deals and see check their leads. Loan, prospect and partner pipelines for loan officers/consultants in real time. The app helps you stay in touch with your pipeline from anywhere, access all contacts, get real-time status updates, pull credit, get approval conditions, and much more. 

Mobile App Screens
Mobile Screens V1

My Role

My role was to research, design and test all UI related to the project. I collaborated with design, product mangers, and engineering to launch this project. We tested several designs to see which tools where most effective and also needed. We talked to dozen of Loan Officers in order to better understand their needs and styles of work. With several iteration and rounds of design we decided to put together a list of items that would make it to MVP and meet our product road map. We decided to implement Xamrin forms and built out our components using that framework in order to speed up development. By doing so we utilized their framework library components and were able to customize each component to get it to our design style guide.

Mobile App Screens
Mobile App V1


We put together some basic problem statements to better understand the pain points with the loan process.


  • When getting to buying process:
    • Buyers don’t know buying process. Companies don’t have a central place for knowledge about their buying process (non-negotiable, etc.)
    • Buyers don’t know what’s needed. Buyers often don’t know what’s needed to execute a purchase and get the order form accurate
    • Order forms are often incorrect. Usually, when buyers send forms, they’re inaccurate (wrong document, email address). This includes legal non-negotiable (i.e. loan clauses). Certain loans don’t meet requirements, it takes a while to get a good first order form draft
    • Extra cycles add time to the process. Loan Officers are often forced to go to security, legal, finance to understand what is needed (i.e. Security Questionnaire- is it needed? Who sends it? Who do I send the final version too?)
    • Buyers and Loan Officers don’t know their own approval process. Who signs off in which order to get full approval?

Loan Officers have little visibility into their customers’ payment term requirements, signature process, document information, and payment processes.


  • The only way to get that is back-and-forth email communication
  • Email is the only mechanics for delivery of docs. No good way to identify the last/most current document revision


We experimented with a multitude of different styles. We created wizard-type flows, dashboard-esque screens, and much more. We searched Dribbble and Behance for UI inspiration (with caution as to keep our accessibility intact). Finally, after a couple weeks of iterations, we landed on a style that we were comfortable with. We thought that this format could grow with GoGo as we add more features and functionality. 

Style Guide
Style Guide
Sketch App - Process
Sketch App - Work Process


This project was amazing to work on. I love working closely with users to understand their problems and interpret them to create beautiful solutions. The team at New American Funding is spectacular and I really enjoyed working with them as well. I learned a lot about internal product building, and how to iterate on and optimize features for internal use. I believe that this will guide me forward throughout my journey in product design.

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